Court Ordered Training

The Youth Wellness & Family Education Center's programs are designed to address the needs of diverse underserved family groups through Supervised Family Conflict Resolution. If you would like more information regarding our classes, services & fees please contact us at your earliest convenience. Our goal is to get the whole family on the path to wellness.

Have You Been Ordered by the Court to take training?

To find out more, click the following.

Additional Court Approved Training

Parenting Classes Parenting Classes are designed to enhance skills of parenting in the areas of establishing an appropriate parenting plan and setting healthy rules and boundaries. find out more
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Co-Parenting Classes Co-parents typically are in a situation where the parents are not in a marriage, cohabitation or romantic relationship with one another. find out more
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Supervised Exchanges Supervised or (Safe) Exchanges are an excellent way to allow your children to transition from one parent to another in a controlled atmosphere. find out more
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