
Career Exploration Program

November 9th, 2020 by admin

Coming soon.

Future Leaders Program

November 9th, 2020 by admin

Coming Soon

Teen Pregnancy Prevention

December 16th, 2013 by admin

Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program utilizes pregnancy vest, which simulates being pregnant, infant simulator to heighten teen awareness of the grave responsibilities of parenting a child. The infant simulator is taken home to allow the student to demonstrate their skill or lack of ability to care for a small infant. Drug & Alcohol affected infant simulator along with the shaken baby, and CPR simulators are employed to give appropriate educational information to:

  • Prevent Teen Pregnancy
  • Increases awareness of the challenges of parenthood
  • Instill knowledge about the safety around children
  • Educate the student in the basics of choking child rescue
  • Raise awareness of the shaken baby syndrome
  • Appropriate Child Care (infant care)
  • Child proofing home for safety techniques

Teen pregnancy discussions are coupled with frank conversations regarding various consequences and the adverse health effects of unprotected and premature intercourse.

Violence Prevention Program

December 16th, 2013 by admin

Our violence prevention program is designed to heighten awareness regarding domestic violence, dating violence, bullying & Cyber-bullying. We educate our students on how to be aprevention and violence What to do when you are confronted by a bully and how to get assistance when facing a bully.

Dating Violence Prevention Project

Domestic Violence Prevention Project

Bullying Prevention Project

The goal of the Bullying Prevention Project is to support Sacramento County districts and their demonstration school sites as they implement bullying prevention programs and strategies. This initial project of the countywide Student Mental Health and Wellness Plan will allow each district to focus on a school-based bullying prevention program, provide staff training, promote student mental health and provide early interventions for students and families who need them.

More information on bullying prevention can be found on the Sacramento County Bullying Prevention website.

Meeting with a career coach will assist teen parents to define goals and develop a plan to achieve those goals. Whether you need advice on choosing a vocation, getting back into high school, looking for a new job, getting promoted, discovering what it is you want to do, a career coach can work with you to develop a customized action plan. An individual coaching session is a first step to receive needed guidance to developing a strategy around your circumstances. Clear communication and negotiating a reasonable life schedule will be critical to success. You can work with a life skills coach to outline your educational milestones and plan your career choice and job search. This course includes completing a self-assessment then and the creation of a life plan chart. You will receive individual coaching specific to your situation, with on-going support which will pinpointing areas that need attention.

Progressive father’s network Program

December 12th, 2013 by admin

Coming soon.

Mentoring and Coaching program

December 12th, 2013 by admin

Coming soon.

Play Care

January 19th, 2013 by admin

Fusce lacinia orci at arcu scelerisque ornare? Sed egestas dignissim pellentesque. In nec nunc in odio ornare faucibus ut nec nunc. Curabitur sit amet leo dui, sit amet gravida mauris. Curabitur ac massa felis. Aenean semper purus sed metus volutpat ultrices? Vestibulum lacus sem, iaculis eu adipiscing non, pellentesque sed metus! Duis in diam in dui elementum vehicula quis a enim. Vivamus lobortis, risus eu tincidunt suscipit, dolor ligula iaculis ante, ut accumsan metus ante a leo. Cras hendrerit justo ac eros semper hendrerit.

Nunc ac velit nisi, et fermentum erat! Vivamus non orci risus, nec lacinia mi. Aenean mi erat, lacinia vitae rutrum sed, blandit sit amet sapien. Etiam pellentesque nulla ac purus viverra lacinia et volutpat orci. Cras id tellus ipsum. Donec blandit justo ac metus.

Parenting Classes

January 19th, 2013 by admin

Parenting Classes are designed to enhance skills of parenting in the areas of establishing an appropriate parenting plan and setting healthy rules and boundaries. Good parenting is showing your children right from wrong. These lessons are learned best by example: not, “do as I say not do as I do”!

This process is called modeling behavior. Parents are children’s first exposure to how the world works. They learn from everything in their environment.

That is, the good, the bad and the ugly!

Parents who are candid about mistakes with their children are being honest and children are more likely to realize mistakes are a part of life. However, despite the imperfection that exist during parenting, consistently maintaining positive discipline, child development, effective stress management and ongoing implementation of all the parenting plans will assist parents in the goal of molding compliant, considerate, cooperative, productive, socially responsible, financially independent children.

Marriage & Relationship Education

January 16th, 2013 by admin

Marital & Relationship Education Programs Help Keep Couples Together

Studies on the effectiveness of Prep find that couples that have participated in PREP are less likely to get divorced and have significantly higher levels of marital satisfaction. One long-term study on PREP found that couples who took the program before marriage had less negative interaction, more positive interaction, lower rates of relationship aggression, lower combined rates of breakup or divorce and higher levels of relationship satisfaction up to five years following the training.

In the United States, couples marrying for the first time have approximately a fifty percent chance of divorcing. Certified relationship educators are helping couples’ “I do” last a lifetime through application of scientifically tested relationship education programs.

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